
Rey shares that most of us are part of some kind of team. TEAM is an acronym for Together Everyone Accomplishes More. The leadership of MorningStar wants the congregation to work as a team. We have to blend the talents and strengths of each other to make a strong force. It will take a team to bring about all that we need to do. He also tells us the qualities that are essential to being a team player.

Creating a Financial Crisis-Free Zone


Dave tells of spending some time in Korea at Prayer Mountain, the church established by Paul Yonggi Cho. While he was there praying, something happened in his heart that changed him forever. He believes that some things will only come to us by persistent prayer. As he was praying, he felt God touched his heart strongly about Deut. 8:18--that God wants to give us power to create wealth, so He can establish His covenant. It is God's power that does this. There are three keys to overcoming in this present economic environment:

The Foundation that will Last


Worship leaders David Vallier and Amber Brooks welcome in the presence of God as they lead the congregation. Ray Dempsey, the 10 minute speaker, speaks on the law of reciprocity. Rick Joyner's message continues in the same vein as he emphasizes the importance of leaning on the Lord in these last days. He teaches that true prophetic insight is key to navigating the path the Lord is laying before us. Any discipline from the Lord comes because of His love for us - bringing His kingdom ways into our lives.